Friday, 19 August 2011

If at second attempt you don't succeed...don't bother trying again?

Having spent the last 20 minutes trying to choose an appropriate font (and failing), I find myself suddenly conscious of my decision to share my 'experiences' with the world (5 or so views does not really constitute the 'world' but a girl can dream). I'm not sure how to write a blog but I do know that creating a blog is something I have wanted to do for a while now. I promise myself year after year that I will start writing a diary and the first couple of minutes after purchasing it will resemble the opening scenes of Bridget Jones Diary. It was more a case of pulling off the wrapping and never seeing it again. This blog will be different, I repeat, THIS WILL BE DIFFERENT.

While I hope to preserve my anonymity, I will tell you a little bit about myself.
I am 19 years, 10 months, 12 days old. I was born in Wolverhampton, Birmingham, (don't ask), but grew up in East London. I attended state primary and secondary schools in East Ham and a horrible sixth form in Greater London. I have a Mother, Father, 2 older brothers and an older sister (I hope to slowly introduce them all). I'm not an easy going or a bubbly person. I'm not sure what's going on with my life at the moment, and this statement allows me to explain the title.

I finished my A-levels for the first time (Maths, Chemistry, Biology and AS Physics) in June 2010 and received grades ABBd respectively. I had applied to 4 dental schools and 1 pharmacy school in that year even though I didn't want to study either of the two. I was rejected by all four dental schools before interview but offered a place at Cardiff University which I declined. The reason for this? I wanted to study Medicine. I have always allowed others to make decisions for me, since this was the tradition in my family, but I was making a stand.

So after results day, off I went planning my 'gap year'. But it was soon turned into a 'resit year', not a year re-sitting some exams while at school, no, that would be too easy. I was to re-sit exams outside of school while working and juggling family life. I applied to university again, this time 4 medical schools (Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, Keele University, University of East Anglia and Southampton University) and Cardiff University Pharmacy School (they liked me once, why not again?) and shock horror, I got two interviews for Medicine and Cardiff  gave me an offer straight away of AAA. PCMD offered me a place but I had to get AAAc. I firmed PCMD and put Cardiff as my insurance. I can honestly say I worked my butt off and come results day, despite a couple of worries about a Biology paper, I thought I'd done it. So I dreamt of university life.

As any other student, I woke up full of nerves, tried to check UCAS Track and found it unable to cope with the large volume of students trying to log in. I went off to school to find out if I got into uni the old fashioned way. I picked them up from my much hated ex sixth form (where I had sat the exams), waited until I was almost home on a deserted road to open them. ABBc. Exactly the bloody same! I came home ready to face the family. I was in Clearing. I managed to bag a place at Plymouth University for Optometry (something which vaguely interests me).

I am now left with the choice of taking the Optometry course or taking an actual gap year where I'm not re-sitting exams but will apply to medical schools again but via the access schemes for deprived students where the grade requirements are lowered but the competition is fierce. What am I doing? I don't know yet.

Yours, literally, Clueless x

N.B. I promise that other posts will not contain as much UCAS jargon. I will also attempt to fill you in on the last 19 years of my life without making blogs this long, ever again.

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